Dojo Guidelines & Student Agreement
The dojo is a place of learning, a school and a home. It’s really important to us that all students and guests respect the space and understand the tradition, etiquette and expectations in place.
As a Foundation student you are expected to:
- Show respect by bowing to each other when training.
- Be loyal and give your friends a second chance.
- Be friendly and particularly welcoming to new members.
- Be supportive and committed to other students, offering comfort when required.
- Keep yourself safe and report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations.
- Play fairly, be trustworthy, respect instructors and accept decisions.
- Show appropriate loyalty, be gracious in defeat and respect your opponents.
- Not to cheat or be violent and aggressive. Make the dojo a fun place to be.
- Behave and listen to all instructions from instructors.
- Take care of equipment owned by the club.
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, sex, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
- Refrain from the use of bad language or racial/sectarian references. This includes bullying using new technology.
- Not get involved in inappropriate peer pressure and push others into something they do not want to do.
- Refrain from bullying or use of rough and dangerous play.
The Dojo
- All students should bow (facing the dojo) when entering and leaving the dojo.
- Students must wear shoes if leaving the dojo for toilet or water breaks.
- There are no shoes permitted on the mats at any time.
- Families and siblings are always welcome in the dojo but should not disturb the lesson or distract students in any way.
- Only students taking part in the class are allowed on the mats.
- The only drink permitted in the dojo is water, no fizzy or sugary drinks please.
- No sweets, crisps or fast food allowed in the dojo.
- No food or drinks of any kind are allowed on or near the mats.
- All Adult and Junior students (Age 7+) are expected to wear a black gi (uniform) for training. Does not apply to new starters, see classes for details.
- All uniforms should be cleaned regularly between classes.
Personal Hygiene & Illness
- All students with long hair must have it tied back securely.
- Fingernail and toenails should be clean and short.
- All earrings and jewellery should be removed before the start of the class.
- Any student feeling unwell should not train.
- Any student recovering from illness should wait a minimum of 48 hours before returning to class.